CIG Guarantã: technology for effectiveness in issuing reports

3 min readJan 8, 2019


Medcloud’s partner since October 2017, CIG Guarantã Image Clinic is located in Mato Grosso, in the city of Guarantã.

CIG was created in 2013 on the initiative of three doctors of different specialties to implement the diagnostic service in the region. Until then, the city people had to travel to neighboring cities to conduct imaging.
Alexandre Gallon, administrator of the CIG, says that the need to seek a solution that facilitated the work of issuing reports came with increasing demand from the clinic. “Our movement was growing more and more. Then we began the search for a system of sending images and reports that would enable the work of a remote radiologist. In this quest we find Medcloud”.
According to Gallon, the entire work routine of the clinic’s employees went through adaptations to receive the Medcloud system, which he rated as a positive challenge professionally speaking.

Easy sharing

“The main contribution of Medcloud to the CIG I believe was the ease with the patient, associated with agility. Working time was greatly optimized. Now we have a professional working in the field of telemedicine to issue the reports. In addition, today I can make much better use of the time of a collaborator who is not working, for example”, he says.

In addition to having the work of in-person and distance radiologists, CIG has partnerships with hospitals that serve Guarantã and other cities in the region. According to Alexandre, this collaboration takes place through the integration of systems that the Medcloud’s solution offers.

This is possible because of the image sharing tools. It is enough that the partners have a login and password to access the system. The portal offers the possibility to view and share exams and awards.

Importance of the cloud

For Gallon, when it comes to patients care needs to be redoubled. Because of this, coupled with the determination of the Federal Council of Medicine that says that all imaging and reports must be kept by the clinics for at least 20 years, storage conditions must be the best possible.

“Because it is a digital system in the cloud, we have much more security, even because this material needs to be kept for a long time. Even though it has never happened to us, we know how bad it can be to miss out on paper. Otherwise, we no longer have physical spaces accumulated by paper”.

According to the administrator, because CIG is located in a small city in the interior, most patients still do not have access to computers and the internet. Therefore, the Patient Portal is only used in some specific cases.

However, according to Alexandre, the printing of reports for delivery was facilitated after the implementation of the Medcloud system. Since the sending of the exams and its receipt of the reports has been optimized. Thus, any clinic employee can print this report to deliver to the patient with efficiency and agility.




Written by Medcloud

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