Ecardio and Medcloud: partnership for safety in cardiology

2 min readJan 8, 2019


Located in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Ecardio offers preventive, diagnostic and prognostic evaluation in cardiology.

Ecardio Cardiologia Integrada has a team of cardiologists with extensive experience and technical training. The team works in Cuiabá within the Hospital Amecor, and also in Várzea Grande, in Vida Diagnóstico e Saúde. It offers consultations and examinations in the area of ​​Cardiology and invests in the quality and reliability of the results.

According to Renata S. L. Teixeira de Lima, MD, partner of Ecardio, the implementation and use of the Medcloud system is still in progress of new modules in the clinic, but already sees solid results and the partnership as promising.

Storage Security

According to the resolution of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), nº 1.821, of 11/23/2007, article 8, the examinations of images and medical records must be stored by the diagnostic centers for at least 20 years.

To store this material, companies may face some problems. The space available in the test equipment is not enough, so they need to transfer to external HDs, which is a somewhat temporary and unsecured solution.

Another alternative would be to create a department to take care of local storage softwares. What is expensive, occupies physical space in the company and demands hiring specialized personnel.

With this, more and more clinics have sought services that help in this regard. This is how Ecardio’s collaboration with Medcloud began.

Ana Paula Chiliti is the administrator of Ecardio. She says the main motivation in hiring Medcloud solutions is the security that cloud storage offers.

“We use Medcloud’s system for storing and securing images. In the old days we ran the risk of losing the exams. It could not save on the flashdrive or lose the backup”, says Ana Paula.

“We do not miss further exams. All our images are sent to the Medcloud system and, if you need a duplicate, we access the tool”, adds Dr. Renata.


According to the administrator, practicality and safety are the greatest strengths of the partnership with Medcloud. “It changed everything for us because when we need the exam, everything is in the same place. We no longer need to be looking at backups”.

Renata also comments that Medcloud offers Ecardio practicality with regard to care. “We were always served promptly when we request something.”




Written by Medcloud

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